kubeflow.fairing.preprocessors package


kubeflow.fairing.preprocessors.base module

class kubeflow.fairing.preprocessors.base.BasePreProcessor(input_files=None, command=None, executable=None, path_prefix='/app/', output_map=None)

Bases: object

Prepares a context that gets sent to the builder for the docker build and sets the entrypoint :param input_files: the source files to be processed :param executable: the file to execute using command (e.g. main.py) :param output_map: a dict of files to be added without preprocessing :param path_prefix: the prefix of the path where the files will be added in the container :param command: the command to pass to the builder


Create context mapping from destination to source to avoid duplicates in context archive

Returns:c_map: a context map

Creating docker context file and compute a running cyclic redundancy check checksum.

Parameters:output_file – output file (Default value = None)
Returns:output_file,checksum: docker context file and checksum

Search the fairing runtime files ‘runtime_config.py’ :returns: cmd: the execute with absolute path


Get the execute with absolute path

Returns:cmd: the execute with absolute path

Verfiy the requirements txt file if it is present.

Returns:res: get the present required files

Preprocess the ‘input_files’.

Returns:input_files: get the input files

Set the default executable file.

Returns:executable: get the default executable file if it is not existing, Or None

Reset the mtime on the the tarball for reproducibility.

:param tarinfo: the tarball var :returns: tarinfo: the modified tar ball

kubeflow.fairing.preprocessors.converted_notebook module

class kubeflow.fairing.preprocessors.converted_notebook.ConvertNotebookPreprocessor(notebook_file=None, notebook_preprocessor=<class 'kubeflow.fairing.preprocessors.converted_notebook.FilterMagicCommands'>, executable=None, command=['python'], path_prefix='/app/', output_map=None, overwrite=True)

Bases: kubeflow.fairing.preprocessors.base.BasePreProcessor

Convert the notebook preprocessor. :param BasePreProcessor: a context that gets sent to the builder for the docker build and sets the entrypoint.


Preprocessor the Notebook :return:[]: the converted notebook list.

class kubeflow.fairing.preprocessors.converted_notebook.ConvertNotebookPreprocessorWithFire(class_name=None, notebook_file=None, notebook_preprocessor=<class 'kubeflow.fairing.preprocessors.converted_notebook.FilterIncludeCell'>, executable=None, command=['python'], path_prefix='/app/', output_map=None, overwrite=True)

Bases: kubeflow.fairing.preprocessors.converted_notebook.ConvertNotebookPreprocessor

Create an entrpoint using pyfire.


Preprocessor the Notebook. :return: results: the preprocessed notebook list.

class kubeflow.fairing.preprocessors.converted_notebook.FilterIncludeCell(**kw)

Bases: nbconvert.preprocessors.base.Preprocessor

Notebook preprocessor that only includes cells that have a comment ‘fairing:include-cell’. :param NbPreProcessor: the notebook preprocessor.


Filter the cell that have a comment ‘fairing:include-cell’.

Param:src: the source cell.
Returns:src: if the source cell matched the filter pattern, or Null.
preprocess_cell(cell, resources, index)

Preprocess the notebook cell.

  • cell – the notebook cell
  • resources – the code source of the notebook cell.
  • index – unused argumnet.

cell,resources: the notebook cell and its filtered with magic pattern commands.

class kubeflow.fairing.preprocessors.converted_notebook.FilterMagicCommands(**kw)

Bases: nbconvert.preprocessors.base.Preprocessor

Notebook preprocessor that have a comment which started with ‘!’ or ‘%’. :param NbPreProcessor: the notebook preprocessor.


Filter out the source commands with magic pattern.

Parameters:src – the source commands.
Returns:filtered: the filtered commands list.
preprocess_cell(cell, resources, index)

preprocessor that includes cells

Param:cell: the notebook cell.
Param:resources: the code source of the notebook cell.
Param:index: unused argumnet.
Returns:cell,resources: the notebook cell and its filtered with magic pattern commands.

kubeflow.fairing.preprocessors.full_notebook module

class kubeflow.fairing.preprocessors.full_notebook.FullNotebookPreProcessor(notebook_file=None, output_file='fairing_output_notebook.ipynb', input_files=None, command=None, path_prefix='/app/', output_map=None)

Bases: kubeflow.fairing.preprocessors.base.BasePreProcessor

The Full notebook preprocess for the context which comes from BasePreProcessor. :param BasePreProcessor: a context that gets sent to the builder for the docker build and sets the entrypoint


Ingore the default executable setting for the full_notebook preprocessor.

kubeflow.fairing.preprocessors.function module

class kubeflow.fairing.preprocessors.function.FunctionPreProcessor(function_obj, path_prefix='/app/', output_map=None, input_files=None)

Bases: kubeflow.fairing.preprocessors.base.BasePreProcessor

FunctionPreProcessor preprocesses a single function. It sets as the command a function_shim that calls the function directly. :param BasePreProcessor: a context that gets sent to the builder for the docker build and sets the entrypoint.


Get the execute python command. :returns: command: the command line will be executed

Module contents